How long have you been in the hair business Paul?
I have been working with people’s hair for 40 years.
Why did you decide to help people with hair transplants and replacements?
I started to lose my hair when I was about 25 years old and I started to look out for options I considered having a hair transplant I went for consultations , but I was never happy with what I seen and I also wanted to meet other clients who had the work done.
They told me they could not do that for me as they did not want to break client confidentiality. So eventually I found a surgeon in Paris Doctor Patrick Frechet who was one of the leading guys at the time.
I went to him for a consultation and after that I went and had my first session of graphs 20 years ago.
What’s Non-Surgical?
Non-Surgical basically it’s a very advanced form of a hair piece. It is held on with surgical adhesive. You can swim with it you can shower, go to the gym you can just live a normal life.
Your hair is matched for colour density and wave, it takes about two hours for the procedure and it’s totally reversible, the cost for this kind of non-surgical procedure would surprise you.
Now you run your own clinics why?
Because I have worked in the hair business for 40 years I obviously had a good knowledge and understanding of hair and because of my own situation I felt it only right for me to help others who were and still are in the same situation as myself.
I know how much losing hair can knock your confidence even stress you out at times, but the good news is there are instant solutions and you will be amazed at the fantastic non-surgical solutions that are available that were not around when I was looking to have something done for me.
If like me at one stage in my life you are looking to find a solution the please contact me Paul Jones I can assure that it’s all very discreet. I know how good I felt once I had my hair replacement done and still to this day knowing that I no longer have to suffer gives me such a boost.
But now it’s time for you to do something decisive about your hair loss problem and I can and will help you by letting you know the different solutions available that will make you feel more confident again.
If you feel you want to go for a surgical solution then please let me introduce you to one of the best surgical hair transplant surgeons on this earth.
I hope that by reading my story and why I now run one of Ireland’s most successful hair replacement clinics you will allow me to show you the way forward.
My new surgical clinic is now based in Manchester, with one of the worlds top hair surgeon’s in attendance, to book your surgical appointment please contact myself either in person at my premises in either Dublin or Belfast or by calling me and arranging an appointment so we can assess your suitability
-Paul Jones