Hair Replacement Procedure
Remember what it felt like to run your fingers through your hair? (Or even better, how it felt when someone else did?) Now you can welcome back that feeling with non surgical procedures keeping you looking even better than you did before your hair loss began.
Faster and less expensive than surgery, our high-quality, non-surgical hair replacement process re-creates the look and feel of your own natural hair. You can brush your hair, style your hair, swim, and even get sand in your hair.
You can even choose to replace your hair gradually for a subtle transition that doesn’t draw attention until people start asking if you’ve been working out. A non surgical procedure will help with this and give you back some of your confidence.
How It Works
The key to achieving this natural effect is the Hair-by-Hair process. A trained hair professional closely examines your thinning area to determine where the hair needs to be added to give you the volume and density you desire. Hair will be added in the exact angle and direction of your own hair growth into a virtually undetectable matrix designed to match the balding and thinning areas of your scalp.
This customized matrix is then integrated into your own hair. So no matter how close you get, no one will notice a thing.
Make a 1 on 1 appointment at our office
HairTech International
Call us so we can put you in contact with the right person or service.
We know that some people may wish to travel outside Ireland for treatment
We will listen to your requirements and connect you with professionals who can help.
Your Confidentiality is ALWAYS assured